Vegan Protein - Neutral

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Unsweetened plant-based protein powder from germinated seeds and pulses. (Size: 600 g)

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Each portion contains

Gluten free



Plant based protein sources

Alpha Foods have always been based on pure plant-based protein sources from sprouted seeds and beans, which are naturally rich in nutrients but virtually free of typical anti-nutrients such as lectins or phytic acid.

<p>Sprouted pea protein

Sprouted pea protein

<p>Sprouted pumpkin seed protein

Sprouted pumpkin seed protein

<p>Sprouted soy protein

Sprouted soy protein

<p>Sprouted rice protein

Sprouted rice protein

<p>Sprouted hemp protein

Sprouted hemp protein

<p>Sprouted amaranth protein

Sprouted amaranth protein

<p>Sprouted flax seed protein

Sprouted flax seed protein

<p>Sprouted sunflower seed protein

Sprouted sunflower seed protein

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Vegan Protein - Neutral